On Tour
[December '08/January '09]
After the premiere on December 1st of Escaping Grey the intense double program Escaping Grey and Mighty MatPogo, had its tour in Holland.
Tempo di False
[December '08]
For the concert Tempo di Valse in the Amsterdamse Orgelpark (www.orgelpark.nl), Giulia Mureddu and Goran Turnsek gave a modern vision on the Weense Wals, in a unconventional, funny and touching duet. The pianists Polo de Haas and Guido Nielsen played among others 'An der schönen blauen Donau' from Johan Strauss
Escaping Grey
[December '08]
New creation Escaping Grey. A performance about ambition in which fleshy duets and trios melt with moments of sheer dance and disarming human expressions. In an unusual scenography with masks, fiction and reality intertwine.
The dancers: Katerina Dietzova, Keyna Nara, Goran Turnšek en Amaranta Velarde Gonzàles. Music by Seamus Cater and Woody Sullender, light by Roland van Ulden and costumes by Dieuweke van Reij and Judith Brandts.
Bava Never Dies
[September '08]
After a successful 'maratona' during the Oerol Festival, Bava was invited from Stalkerteatro, to perform in their theatre during the festival 'Differenti sensazioni'. Biella, Torino
De Kapitalist
[August '08]
The new season opens with a brand new small festival, De Kapitalist, in Deventer. The festival takes place in the beautiful church Bergkerk. For the occasion Giulia and Keyna created a short solo: Prologo.
To Czech Republic
[June '08]
Performing Plugged in Prague and regional theater in occasion of the Tanec Praha Festival.
Bava rocks again
[June '08]
Performing Bava during the Oerol Festival, Terschelling.
To the Middle East
[April '08]
Tour in Libanon and Jordan of Beige and Pulse, of choreographer Krisztina de Chatel.
Time for research
[January/February '08]
Research 'deformalisation and depersonalisation' at Danslab, new initiative for research in dance in Den Haag.
Fairies for adults
[February '08]
Performing Bava at the Festival della Favola. Teatro il Telaio, Brescia (Italy).
Mureddu is an emigrant
[February '08]
Festival 'Ritorni', about italian choreographers leaving and working abroad. Performing Mighty MatPogo and taking part to the congres by the ETI (Ente Teatrale Italiano). Teatro Valle, Rome.